over 14 years ago
VP Removed
MIA: 50c, $1, $2, $5, $10 : 99.17% BP Heart Bar
over 14 years ago
VP Removed
MIA: 50c, $1, $2, $5, $10 : 99.17% BP Extra Lounge Bar
over 14 years ago
VP Removed
MIA: (3) 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c SP : 98.98% DDB near Yolo's Restaurant (on All Star Poker machines)
Oct, 2010
Did not find any 50c and higher single-line Bonus Poker at Planet Hollywood with the 8/5 paytable. Also all machines with the 5c/10c/25c/50c 9/6 DDB SpinPoker have been downgraded. And no more 9/7 DB even in the high limit room. I confirmed everything else remaining on the Planet Hollywood games page in vpFREE2.
Sep, 2010
A report that some of the 8/5 Bonus Poker have been downgraded: I was at Planet Hollywood last week, 9/7 to 9/9. I played my favorite bank of (6) 8/5 BP .50 $1 $2 for a couple of hours about 11AM. Went back at 6PM to play again and found they had been changed to 7/5 .50 $1 $2 $5. I also found one other bank of (4) that had been changed. On 9/8 I found that several more banks had been changed and on 9/9 even more had been changed. As of 9/8 there were still some 8/5 remaining but not very many. I did not check the bar tops so I don't know if they had been changed yet or not.
over 14 years ago
VP Updated
New: 50c, $1, $2 : 99.17% BP several banks
over 14 years ago
VP Updated
New: 50c, $1, $2, $5, $10 : 99.17% BP Heart Bar
over 14 years ago
VP Updated
New: 50c, $1, $2, $5, $10 : 99.17% BP Extra Lounge Bar
over 14 years ago
VP Updated
New: (3) 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c SP : 98.98% DDB near Poker Room
Jul, 2010
I was at Planet Hollywood today and found many banks of single-line 50c and
higher 8/5 BP, not just at the two bars mentioned but also on uprights and
slant-tops on the floor.
The only 9/6 JoB I found were the ones in high limit that were reported to
vpFREE2 last month.
almost 15 years ago
VP Updated
New: (2) $5, $10, $25 : 99.54% JoB in high limit
almost 15 years ago
Host Added
Apr, 2010
Effective April 1, 2010, Planet Hollywood has been integrated into the Harrah's Total Rewards player's club system.
Mar, 2010
All DDB single line at $0.25 level downgraded to 6/5
Feb, 2010
Effective February 18, 2010 Harrah's Entertainment owns Planet Hollywood Resort. The player's club will be integrated into Harrah's Total Rewards on April 1, 2010.
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