about 12 years ago
VP Added
Added to Database: 25¢, 50¢, $1 : 99.11% DB several banks
about 12 years ago
Host Added
Barb Mittelman
about 12 years ago
Host Removed
Aida Williams
over 13 years ago
VP Removed
MIA: (3) 25c, 50c, $1 3/5 Play QQ WP : 99.54% JoB, 99.17% BP, 99.11% DB against wall between slot club and Marilyn's Cafe
over 13 years ago
Host Added
Aida Williams
over 13 years ago
VP Updated
New: (3) 25c, 50c, $1 3/5 Play QQ WP : 99.54% JoB, 99.17% BP, 99.11% DB against wall between slot club and Marilyn's Cafe
almost 14 years ago
Host Added
Lois Howard
almost 14 years ago
Host Removed
Amy Tse
Feb, 2009
*** MIA - *** (3) 25c/50c/$1 MG/MD 10/6 DB+ uprights between the Cantina Mexican Restaurant and poker room.
Mar, 2008
*** MIA - *** (12) 25c/50c/$1 MG/MD 9/6 DDBAF, 8/5 BPAF and 9/7 DBAF uprights between Mexican restaurant and poker room.
Jun, 2007
*** MIA - *** (8) 5c (10-coin) FPDW MD uprights near main cashier.
Mar, 2007
*** MIA - *** (8) 25c/50c/$1 (5 Play) 9/5 SDB MG/MD uprights beside the center bar towards the cafe.
Aug, 2006
*** MIA - *** (7) 25c/50c/$1 MG/MD TITO 10/7 DB uprights near the main cashier.
Dec, 2005
*** MIA - *** (9) 25c/50c/$1 MG/MD 10/7 DB bartops @ Piazza Lounge Bar. (9) 25c/50c/$1 MG/MD NSUD bartops @ Piazza Lounge Bar.
Jul, 2004
Tuscany - Ellis Island deal is rumored to be dead. Contrary to their DEC announcement, Tuscany pays Cashback AND comps.
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