about 12 years ago
VP Added
New: (3) $1, $2, $5 : 98.44% JW against outside wall of high limit room
about 12 years ago
VP Added
New: (6) 25¢, 50¢, $1 : 98.44% JW in front of Rattlecan
about 12 years ago
VP Added
New: (3) 25¢, 50¢, $1 : 98.45% JoB Spin Poker on All Star Poker machines in front of Rattlecan
over 12 years ago
VP Removed
MIA: (1) $1 3 Play STP : 98.45% JoB high limit room
over 12 years ago
VP Updated
New number - (3) $5 Prog : 98.01% BP high limit room
over 12 years ago
VP Removed
MIA: $1, $2, $5 : 98.45% JoB Spin Poker outside high limit room
about 13 years ago
Host Removed
Charlie Nelson
over 13 years ago
Host Removed
Jacque Bailey
about 14 years ago
Casino Updated
Player's Club Update
Mar, 2011
Effective March 2011, coin-in per point varies based on theo and card level.
almost 15 years ago
VP Updated
New: 25c : 97.81% DB near the escalator
Apr, 2010
MIA - (14) $1/$2/$5 98.73% 8/5 TB+ slant-tops near food court downgraded to 6/5
MIA - (7) $1 98.01% 7/5 BP slant-tops near food court downgraded to 6/5
Dec, 2009
The $2 9/6 JB at both the Venetian and Palazzo have been shorted to 8/5. I have played the machines in Palazzo and Venetian, both, in the past, so I am familiar with the machines. In the past there were occasions that the pay scales were changed temporarily during sweepstakes promotions. There was no "sweepstakes" promotion going on during my stay.
I also did a fair amount of scouting looking for $5 9/6 in both casinos. I could not find one.
In short, I believe there are now NO 9/6 JB VP in any denomination at Palazzo or Venetian.
Sep, 2008
*** MIA - *** (4) $1 (50 Play) 8/6/26 JoB MG slant-tops in high-limit room. (1) $1 (100 Play) 8/6/26 JoB MG upright in high-limit room. $25 MG/MD 8/5 BP uprights and slant-tops in high-limit room (9) $25 MG/MD 8/5 BP All-Star Poker Spin Poker slant-tops in high-limit room. (9) $25 (3/5/10 Play) 9/7 DB MG/MD All-Star Poker slant-tops in high-limit room. (9) $25 MG/MD 9/7 DB All-Star Poker Spin Poker slant-tops in high-limit room.
Aug, 2008
*** MIA - *** (5) $10/$25 (3/5 Play) 8/5 BP MG/MD slant-tops in high-limit room. (4) $1/$2/$5 MG/MD 8/5 BP slant-tops outside high-limit room. (4) $25 MG 9/6 JoB slant-tops in high-limit room.
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