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Class II Gaming
bingo, instant bingo, lotto, punch cards, pull tabs (if played in the same location as bingo), and manual card games legal anywhere in the state and not played against the house. Class II Gaming is regulated by both the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) and the tribes. A tribe may conduct or license Class II Gaming if it occurs in "a state that permits such gaming for any purpose by any person" and is not prohibited by federal law. (
Class III Gaming
card games played against the house, slot machines, dog and horse racing, jai alai, and all other types of casino gaming. The National Indian Gaming Commission's (NIGC's) authority includes review and approval of Class III Gaming management contracts. Class III gaming is regulated by compacts negotiated between tribes and states. (
Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
(According to In 1988, Congress enacted the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) to:
  1. provide a statutory basis for the operation of gaming by Indian tribes to promote tribal economic development, self-sufficiency, and strong tribal governments;
  2. provide a statutory basis for the regulation of Indian gaming to ensure tribes are the primary beneficiaries;
  3. establish: a) independent federal regulatory authority for Indian gaming, b) federal standards for Indian gaming, and c) the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC), to meet congressional concerns regarding Indian gaming and protect such gaming as a means of generating tribal revenue;
  4. shield gaming from organized crime and other corrupting influences; and 5. ensure that gaming is conducted fairly and honestly by both the operators and the players.
Since IGRA’s passage in 1988, tribes and states have successfully negotiated hundreds of Tribal-State gaming compacts. Gaming provides significant revenues for many Indian tribes.
Short for National Indian Gaming Commission.
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