Video Poker Glossary
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Cumulative Distribution Function
  1. The integral of the Probability Density Function (not rigorous)
  2. A statistical distribution, indicating the probability of receiving an outcome or a lower ranked outcome for all possible outcomes. The function can range from 0 to 1 (or 100%).
An example of a Cumulative Distribution Function is the well-known "error function" (ERF) whose probability density function is the Normal distribution.
See also: Probability Density Function.
The situation that occurs when the actual game hold is greater the amount a player would lose given perfect play (Max-EV strategy). Most-- if not all-- casino games Over-hold as most players do not play perfectly nor follow a max EV strategy. For many new video poker games the Over-hold is significant as the optimal strategy is difficult to master, often non-intuitive, and differs significantly from older games.
Perfect Play
Following a pre-determined strategy perfectly, without mistake or deviation, in any way. In most cases, Perfect Play refers to play following a simplified Max-EV strategy.
Short for Royal Flush.
A term used to describe a comp level, usual short for "Room, Food & Beverage" or "Room and Full Board". Typically, a player is brought in on an RFB comp (rather than earning it during a trip). The RFB applies only to what a pre-determined number of people (say 2) might consume and covers only what might be charged to a casino hotel room. However, some common items, such as telephone calls and spa charges are rarely covered by RFB.
A term used to describe a comp level, similar to RFB, where "L" stands for Limited. Typically, an RFBL player will be limited to certain restaurants or certain dollar amounts (less then RFB)
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