Video Poker Glossary
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Casino Monitor
  1. Person responsible for maintaining the vpfree2 pages for a specific casino
  2. Person who regularly monitors a casino taking inventory of the video poker there and reports all updates to vpfree2
Casino Monitor are unpaid volunteers who work diligently to keep vpFREE2 up-to-date. Without them the site would not exist.
The number of coins that must be played to realize a particular games best paytable. Typically, casinos short-pay a video poker game when played less then Full-coin. For example, very often a Royal Flush pays 4000 units for a 5 coin, Full-coin wager, but only 800 units for a 4-coin wager. All vpfree2 pay tables are listed per coin, assuming that at least the Full-coin level is reached (5 coins in most instances).
Frugal VP Software
Ugly Ducks
A Deuces wild VP games with an return of less than 99.0
Video Poker
TomSki's Video Poker Strategy Master VP Software
WinPoker VP Software
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