Video Poker Glossary
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  1. The amount of money available to be wagered.
  2. The entire amount of money available to be wagered in a persons lifetime at that moment (Gambling Bankroll).
  3. The amount of money available to be wagered for a particular gambling session, trip, or game.(Trip Bankroll)

See also: Stake, Kelly Betting.
The total amount wagered on a slot, keno or video poker machine. For video poker, the Coin-in is equal to the total number of hands played times the average amount bet per hand. The term originates from the fact that all slots machines were once "coin droppers" and is still in use today though most machines are now TITO.
See also: Coin-dropper, TITO.
The number of coins that must be played to realize a particular games best paytable. Typically, casinos short-pay a video poker game when played less then Full-coin. For example, very often a Royal Flush pays 4000 units for a 5 coin, Full-coin wager, but only 800 units for a 4-coin wager. All vpfree2 pay tables are listed per coin, assuming that at least the Full-coin level is reached (5 coins in most instances).
Kelly Betting
a (money management) strategy that sets the wager amount for optimal bankroll growth. Under Kelly Betting, the bet size is chosen based on the game's return and current bankroll size. For video poker, bet sizes are limited to certain common denominations. For that, and other reasons, strict Kelly Betting is not practical with video poker. On the other hand, Kelly Betting can be used to estimate the bankroll requirements for a given positive expectation game or playing situation with a fixed bet size. Kelly Betting does not elucidate the Risk of Ruin, however.
A video poker game in which the payout for one or more hands increases until that hand is hit. When the hand is hit, the payout for the hand is reset to some predetermined value. The Progressive payout value grows in proportion the total amount wagered on the video poker machine or on a group of similar machines. Since the value of payout on a Progressive machine alters the pay table, the game return depends on the Progressive payout value. Optimal strategy also depends on the value of the Progressive payout.
Quick Quads
A video poker game in which the wagering of a sixth coin (assuming the base game is a five coin max game) triggers a new mode in which two cards may be summed together and used to form a four of a kind or quad (with three other cards). The return of a Quick Quads video poker game is always better then the return of the base game. The Quick Quads feature, however, increases the variance.
Risk of Ruin
The probability that, given a certain bankroll, a gambler will be ruined. For video poker, the Risk of Ruin is generally computed for an infinite number of hands, since the computation easier, though it can also be computed for any number of hands. However, if the number of hands is not specified, it is assumed to be infinite. The (infinite run) Risk of Ruin is always greater then zero for video poker, including positive games, since the variance is always non-zero. For all negative expectation situations, the Risk of Ruin is always 100%. That is, regardless of the bankroll, a gambler who plays a bad game will eventually go broke. The Risk of Ruin decreases as the size of the bankroll in betting units increases. Hence, decreasing game denomination (unit or wager) at a fixed bankroll decreases Risk of Ruin.
See also: Survivability.
  1. (n)The amount of money for a particular wagering event, trip, or game
  2. (v)to bank a gambler, by providing money for wagering
    Super Times Pay
    A video poker game in which the wagering of a sixth coin (assuming the base game is a five coin max game) triggers a new mode that causes a random multiplier to be used for all payouts on winning hands. The return of all Super Times Pay video poker games is superior to the base game, and is computed by multiplying the return of the base game by 1.00278
    An IRS Tax form a casino issues to players who "win" under certain condition. For video poker, a W2-G must be issued for "wins" of $1200 or more. The $1200 threshold is fixed and independent of amount wagered. Ironically, a $5 50-play Video Poker machine (played at max-bet of $1250), a $1200 payout would represent a loss. To comply with the IRS law, Video Poker and slot machines "lock up" upon a $1200 or more "win" and the player must wait for a slot attendant to both unlock the machine (and return it to normal play conditions) and bring the tax form. Non-US residents (non-resident aliens) and players without proper identification (and do not produce a TIN) will have tax withholding taken from their W2-G payouts, while others can opt to receive the entire win. At many casinos, players can request a "reset" which may allow them to return to playing quicker had they had to wait to receive the tax form and payout in the normal means. Often resets are only available in high limit rooms. Players may also request a consolidated W2-G, in which case they will receive a single W2-G for all their jackpots for a specified period of time (usually the "slot day") rather then one W2-G for each win. In general, IRS Form 1099 are not given for Video Poker wins (unless the win involves a free drawing or lottery scenario). Neither a W2-G or 1099 are given for wins paid in "Free Play".
    A sum of money or representative of value that is risked on an occurrence for which the outcome is uncertain.
    Wheel Poker
    A video poker game in which the wagering of a sixth coin (assuming the base game is a five coin max game) triggers a new mode that gives the player a bonus whenever there is a (natural) four of a kind. The average bonus is approximately 428 units, and it increases the return (relative to the base game) of all video poker games except for (most) wild card games, such as Deuces Wild. The Wheel Poker feature increases the variance of games and necessitates strategy changes to achieve the best return.
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