Bill's Casino Closed
Stateline, NV
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almost 15 years ago
Casino Updated
Casino Closed
Jan, 2010
Casino Closed 1/4/2010
Oct, 2009
The downgrade of the 10c FPDW has been reported as erroneous, I have added them back.
Oct, 2009
New hours posted on door: closed graveyard shift (2am-10am) mon-thrs. Received message that the (2) 10c FPDW machines have been downgraded. No info on the other 10c FP games. Checked the 25c JOB on 9/27 and they were still 9/6. The 10c machines were occupied so I was unable to check.
Jul, 2007
The (4) 25c full pay machines have been downgraded to 10c and moved 20 feet to the front wall. They still have big signs saying 100% plus payback.
May, 2007
Checked the 4 machines again -- JW, DDB & ACE$ are FP - still there.
Apr, 2007
Found only the (4) 25c machines left with positive EV. NO 50c or $1 VP at all. Received a report that the change was made about 4/19. That person & I checked only the FPDW & DB and assume the other JW, DDB, ACE$ remain unchanged on these 4 machines only. The other 33 VP machines only had 25c JOB & BP worth playing.
Mar, 2007
I stopped in at Bill's yesterday, and there is more to the story. Most all the VP machines are multi-multi, some upright, some slattops. In addition to FPDW and JW the game lineup also includes full pay: JOB, BP, DB (10/7), DDB (10/6), ACES$ Bonus, and Triple Bonus. These games are available in .25, .50 and $1. The number of machines is more than 20 with all these games. No comps, no slot club at all. They have a sign: "no stinkin slot club". In addition to this, the casino is 100% smoke free.
Oct, 2006
This is a small casino for the younger set – loud music, nightclub, bar, pool tables, 5c slots.
Jul, 2006
12 new $1 9/6 JoB Game Kings MGMD, slant & uprights next to BJ pit.
Mar, 2005
The 25c 9/6 JOB consists of five (5) old coin-in uprights.
Jan, 2005
Bills' Tahoe: confirmed the PKM are gone. There is a bank of 25c coin-in full pay JOB uprights on the hwy 50 wall. In the back corner are 4 25c 18-7 JW uprights with 4700 royals (99%+).
Dec, 2004
Bill's: could not find PKM.
Apr, 2004
Bill's is reported to have 25c full-pay PKM.
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