Boomtown Biloxi
Biloxi, MS
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over 6 years ago
Casino Updated
Status Change: Nothing Good
over 6 years ago
VP Removed
MIA: (4) $1 : 99.64% Bdlx, 98.91% DW44, 98.88% JoB, 98.48% BP on the second floor, at the top of the escalator
over 7 years ago
VP Updated
MIA: (4) $1 : 99.26% BPAF, 98.98% DDB on the second floor, at the top of the escalator
over 7 years ago
VP Updated
New: (4) $1 : 98.88% JoB, 99.64% Bdlx on the second floor, at the top of the escalator
over 7 years ago
Casino Updated
Player's Club Update
over 7 years ago
VP Updated
MIA: (4) $1 : 99.64% Bdlx, 99.60% AA, 99.17% BP, 98.88% JoB on the second floor, at the top of the escalator
over 7 years ago
VP Updated
New: (4) $1 : 98.48% BP on the second floor, at the top of the escalator
over 9 years ago
Casino Updated
Status Change: Good Games
Nov, 2015
Some decent $1 games now (see listings). Best in the casino for $0.25 is 7/5 BPAF, on many but not all machines.
over 9 years ago
VP Updated
New: (4) $1 : 98.91% DW44, 99.17% BP, 98.88% JoB, 99.26% BPAF, 99.64% Bdlx, 99.60% AA, 98.98% DDB on the second floor, at the top of the escalator
May, 2014
Still nothing good. Best video poker appears to be 7/5 Aces and Faces.
Apr, 2012
Hi, just got back from Biloxi, lots of VP downgrades around town. We did play some at Boomtown, it's a fun casino. Their VP is really no worse than a lot of other places in town (like the Beau RIvage and IP, for example).

They have several MGMD uprights along the east wall on the first floor with 7/5 Aces and Faces, for 25c-50c-$1. It's about as good as they have, not great, pays 98.10%. As I say, it's nothing great, but the pickings are pretty slim in Biloxi at this point. Not sure if you want to list this. Of course, there's plenty of 8/5 JoB and similar stuff.
Mar, 2012
There are some 8/5 JoB upright machines to the right after entering the casino. I was just there last weekend. (As these are not the best games as this casino and their details are unknown, they have not been added to the database)
over 14 years ago
VP Updated
New: $1 : 98.98% DDB scattered around casino
almost 15 years ago
VP Updated
New: (8) $1 1 Play Prog : 98.09% JW, 98.98% DDB next to tables
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