Grand Lodge Casino at Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe
Incline Village, NV
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Dec, 2021
Lawrence Investments LLC has purchased the property from HGMI Gaming. Larry Ellison also owns the closed Cal Neva Crystal Bay.
almost 13 years ago
Casino Updated
Player's Club Update
Sep, 2011
Full House Resorts is now operating the Hyatt Regency at Incline Village. Casino name is now the Grand Lodge Casino at Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe.
Feb, 2007
If you are an advantage VP player, don't bother playing at the Hyatt Regency. The VP is mostly the 97% to 99% stuff. However, if you are into staying and playing at the finest hotel casino at Lake Tahoe, and want to play in a casino, then this is your place. The Hyatt is an outstanding facility with a private beach on the lake, great service, top notch restaurants, spa and just a beautiful location. The casino is rather small, but they do have lots of table games, slots and VP. There are three banks of VP games with a RF progressive. I doubt if the meters ever get high enough to put them into over 100% play, but the best play is the 9/5 JOB $ with the progressive at the "sports bar". It is also available at the quarter and $.50 level, but no progressive. Watch out for the bar in the main casino area. Those are woefully short pay. They have a VP tournament on Fridays. I played it one time, and was the only non local in the tournament. It is rather strange, in that you play with your own money, and yell out any 4 of a kinds or better. I could not hit a thing. One more thing about the Hyatt: I believe coin in action of only $6K will start offers flowing, at least it did for me. With room rates starting at $300/night during the off season, this is really an outstanding comp.
Apr, 2006
Cashback is available by taking down the comps at a 3:1 ratio. They have a bank of multi-multi's on parking lot wall. all progressives 25c-$2 best game $JOB 8/6.
Sep, 2005
Best play is 5c/10c (100 Play) 7/5 SA.
Dec, 2004
Hyatt: many changes on the floor with many banks being moved & new - location details unknown. coming in. Most significant change is that the 2 $ Pick'Ems are gone.
Oct, 2004
I was just there. I could not find the $1 pick'em or 9/6 JOB that I used to play. Could not find anything else that I play.
Oct, 2003
(4) $5 (3 Play) JoB in high-limit area shorted to 8/5.
Sep, 2003
No full pay games at any denominations below $1. All of the 50-plays are short pay. The Hyatt Regency is easily the class of North Lake Tahoe (or most other places for that matter). A lovely resort set amidst the pine trees, not easy to spot even when you are right next to the property because of the setting. Construction is still going on outside of the facility, but the interior renovations seem complete. If you can afford it (I can't) this is one of the finer resorts in the world to stay, in my opinion.
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