almost 3 years ago
VP Updated
New: (8) $1 : 99.17% BP, 99.54% JoB in alcove near players' club
almost 3 years ago
VP Removed
MIA: (2) $1, $2, $5 : 99.92% JW2, 99.92% TDW, 99.80% TB+, 99.64% Bdlx, 99.62% DDW, 99.54% JoB, 99.45% BDW, 99.40% Ace$, 99.20% LDW, 99.17% BP, 99.11% DB, 98.98% DDB near the restroom entrance
Apr, 2022
Best $0.25 games are 8/5 Jacks and 12/10/4/4 Deuces (14 machines in alcove near players' club)
Jan, 2009
I stopped at this casino in Smith River, CA a few days ago. Here is a more complete inventory of the games offered, cashback, etc. $1 Coin-in = 2 points Cashback - Yes, at .2% No bounceback or earned comps Discretionary and Marketing comps - Not sure Points Expire - No Slot Club Runs - Not sure Games: (Two MG/MD $1, $2, $5 machines near restroom entrance) The three games already in the database, plus these nine: Triple Deuces Wild (TDW) (99.9%) 9/7 DB (99.1%) Aces BP (99.4%) 10/6 Joker Poker (JW2) (99.9%) BP Delux (99.6%) Bonus Deuces Wild (99.45%) Double Deuce Poker (99.6%) Loose Deuces (99.2%) Triple BP Plus (TB+) (99.8%)
Feb, 2008
I just drove down Hwy 101 through Oregon and California, and passed this casino in Smith River, California (about 15 miles north of Cresent City). This is a small, but modern, casino, with a good restaurant. We stayed at the Ships Ashore Motel just down the road a mile or so. Evidently this is a big salmon/steelhead fishing area. As we were walking out of the casino I found two $1/$2/$5 VP machines with 9/6JB, 8/5BP, and 9/6DDBP, near the restroom entrance.
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