Rail City Casino
Sparks, NV
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Nov, 2019
Host list has been updated.
Feb, 2019
There are more paytable downgrades at Rail City Casino but details have not yet been reported to vpFREE2.com.
May, 2013
Terrible's Rail City is now known as Rail City Casino.
May, 2011
According to news article, casino owner is now Affinity Gaming.
Jul, 2008
*** MIA - *** 25c 99.9% PKM Game Maker slant-top bank in front of Keno.
Dec, 2007
Virtually all of the 9/6 JoB has been downgraded to 9/5. The only 9/6 JoB I saw was in the $1 denom. Even their 50 play and 100 play machines have been downgraded to 9/5, even at the 10 cent denom.
Oct, 2007
Rail City has a get one royal, and the next one pays double. They have $1 10-7 DB and 99.98 OEJ
May, 2006
Herbst Gaming to buy Sands Regent
May, 2004
Sands Regent completes its purchase of Rail City.
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