Wild Rose
Clinton, IA
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almost 13 years ago
Casino Updated
Player's Club Update
Aug, 2008
I asked at the players club desk and they told me it is Cash AND Comps, the cash-back rate is 0.333% ($1 coin-in = 1 point, 3000 points redeemable for $10 cash) and the comp rate appears to be about 0.3% (with ~$2100 coin in, was told I had a comp balance of $7). Comps may be applied for food, merchandise or hotel rooms and comps may be used as partial payment, remainder to be paid in cash. I found the VP games listed but saw nothing new to report. The stated overall machine payback behind the cage is 91.2%.
Jul, 2008
Mississippi Belle II : Has been closed and reopened as Wild Rose Clinton, a new land based casino. The 3-play Ill. 2's are gone, but there is a bank of 12 upright $1 Game Kings with 9/7 DB, 9/6 DDB, & Ill. 2's. Unfortunately the cashback has been cut in half for vp, now requiring $2 coin in to earn a point (0.167%).
Jul, 2008
*** MIA - *** 25c (3 Play) 15/9 DW44.
Dec, 2007
*** MIA - *** $1 MG/MD 9/7 DB.
Mar, 2007
Not much to offer without a significant point Multiplier day.
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